The tap water!
If you are jetting off on your vacation, then it is imperative to have the right health insurance but even so making sure you keep your health in mind is equally as important.
All the time you hear about best things to do when you land in your selected destination and even places to dine. But one of the last things to consider is whether or not you can actually drink the tap water or not. Don’t be that person who goes out for the day then go back to your hotel room, turn on the tap in your room and fill up a glass of water to quench your thirst, all without thinking about whether or not you really should be doing so.
In the US we can all be guilty of taking advantage of fresh, clean, drinkable tap water. But in foreign countries it may not be advisable for you to drink. You might think its ok because you have health insurance… But do you really want to spend the duration of your trip feeling unwell?
So where can tourists drink the tap water?
Andorra Guadeloupe Poland
Austria Hungary Portugal
Australia Iceland Puerto Rico
Belgium Ireland Saint Helena
Bermuda Israel San Marino
Canada Italy Saudi Arabia
Chile Japan Singapore
Cook Islands Kuwait Slovakia
Costa Rica Liechtenstein Slovenia
Croatia Luxemburg South Korea
Czech Republic Malta Spain
Denmark Martinique Sweden
Estonia Monaco Switzerland
Finland Netherlands UAE
France New Caledonia United Kingdom
Germany New Zealand United States
Greece Norway Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Greenland Palau
All drinking water recommendations above can be found on the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) website here.
Which country are you visiting next? Make sure to find out if the tap water is drinkable 🚰